Guided Meditation

In guided meditation, meditation practice is shaped by Vajramunee voice. Our minds has a tendency to wander, Vajrapran guided meditation helps us in focusing our thoughts in a correct direction with correct auto-suggestions. This form of Vajrapran meditation is guided through recordings presented on podcasts, videos, properly guide one’s physical and especially mental aspects during the session.

Vajramunee’s decades of experience and practice can lighten up the practitioner’s ability to focus their mind and attain the absolute frequency.

Usually human beings think in pictures. Therefore we should develop positive pictures in our mind, based on which our brain can determine its activities. If you think about your tennis game and your performance at the time, your brain will play it back on the screen of your mind in pictures. Therefore it proves that human thinking process is picture based. So if we make a picture, the brain bases its activities based on those pictures, therefore the brain should be fed a steady stream of positive pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, to recall information, forming pictures in your mind would help you to recollect faster & more accurate than trying to store information in words in your mind.

Vajrapran guided meditation gives you those pictures for imagination and positive auto suggestions to bring positive changes in the way you think.

At our Vajrapran guided meditation process, step by step vocal guidance takes one through the imaginary states and lofty visions.

Meditation courses

S/N     TitleTopic CoveredDurationWhat you get
1Foundation Courses

1. Vajrapran theory of concentration,

2. Knowing the mind

3. Focusing technique.

4. Body mind connectivity

5. Essence of mindfulness

6. How to release stress, anxiety, pain

7. Emotional healing

8. Stress management

2 days

Course Book


2Intermediate CoursePractice and advanced techniques5 days

Free robe


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3Instructor’s CourseDetails training and trained trainers assessments and certifications11 days

Free robe


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